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David denHartog continues teaching on encouragement by defining and describing comfort in today’s message.  What does comfort look and feel like?  How do you show comfort to other people? Scripture passages: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7; Acts 9:26-28; John 14:15-18; Philippians 1:2; Romans 12:15; 1Thessalonians 4:18; Proverbs 15:4, 12:25, 25:11; Job 2:11, 21:34; Proverbs 25:20, 17:28, 18:13

David denHartog teaches from Hebrews 10:19-39, explaining 5 factors that enter into exhortation.  Exhortation is a part of encouragement and means to build someone up to persevere and endure in their Christian walk.  We become a spiritual spotter to those who are spiritually body-building — spiritually growing into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

David denHartog teaches the first in his series called “Encouragement: A Key to Caring,” the last for the year’s focus of “Loving Others.”  This message comes from Acts 4:32-37, 11:19-26 and looks at the character of an encourager.  Barnabas was a nickname given to Joseph from Cyprus that means “Son of Encouragement” and we look […]

Don Hunt teaches from Jonah 3 & 4 about what happens when Jonah’s selfish expectations are not met.  Is it right for him to be angry?  Don also calls attention to the many contrasts in the chapters.

Don Hunt teaches from Jonah 1:1-16.  Jonah priorities were not in the right order, and so he choose to not follow God’s commands.

David denHartog teaches from Hebrews 11 about what the Christian can expect on the journey of faith.  What do we need to make sure we pack?  What does the Journey of Faith look like?

Dean Elliott teaches in the last sermon on Philippians about gentleness.  Gentleness is to be one of the calling cards of a Christian and often the greatest demonstration comes in the midst of a conflict.  Dean gives us 3 things that we can do to help us be more gentle when we are caught off […]

David denHartog teaches about Proportional Giving at the Next Step Commitment Event held at the Cleburne Conference Center.  The widow was commended by Jesus because what she gave was a greater percentage of what she had; compared to the others – who still had much left over after they gave.

David denHartog teaches on Matthew 6:19-34 about sacrificial giving.  Sacrificial giving goes beyond the tithe, which is the standard of giving and was begun with Abraham.  Pastor Dave answers two questions: 1.  What is the motivation for sacrificial giving?  and 2. What hinders us from giving beyond the tithe?

Dean Elliott teaches from Joshua 5-7 about what happens when giving (and not expecting anything in return) feels like a waste.  People may feel this way because they haven’t understood what its all about or have forgotten what its all about.  The remedy is to understand what giving is all about and commit oursleves to honoring […]