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Curriculum Resources

Preschool Curriculum

2 year olds through Kinder

Our Nursery & Preschool  Curriculum is called “The Big Picture” as our purpose is to provide our youngest children with a solid foundation of the major stories of the Bible and an idea of how those stories all fit together into God’s big story.

Elementary Curriculum

1st through 5th grade

Our Goal

“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3

Building on the Biblical foundation laid for them in preschool, our desire is for elementary age kids to begin to understand more of

  • the character and nature of God
  • the standard of holiness He sets in those areas of His character and nature, and
  • the implications for our daily lives when we rightly respond to His character.

How We Accomplish This

  • 36 Godly Character Traits (from a pilot program written by Watermark Community Church)
  • One character trait per month over the course of a 3-year cycle
  • Each character trait has a definition and memory verse that goes with it

Additional Curriculum

  • To account for 5th Sundays throughout the year, we have developed a separate curriculum for those weeks.
  • Rotation Stations – activity stations that relate to our lessons
  • “We Believe” Sundays are programs aimed at theological/catechism-type learning
  • “Bible Timeline” Sundays are a deeper dive into the Biblical Timeline we use throughout our curriculum to identify the placement of stories in the Scriptures.