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Sermons Category: Books of the Bible

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David denHartog teaches from Matthew 23:27 – 24:14.  Braxton Hicks Contractions are contractions that are not the real deal, but they are a reminder that the real deal of labor is coming.  We are currently in a time period that is a reminder that the real deal of the end times is coming.  Pastor David […]

On the first Sunday in 6 weeks we have a public worship service, we want to commemorate this place in time.  God has done something very unusual in our time and we are all in – to do whatever it takes to spread the kingdom.  Pastors David and Dean discuss three questions reflecting on this […]

Dean Elliott teaches from Psalm 23.  It is a cradle to grave depiction of all that God promises to those who are His.  In this time, when we are confronted with the same days and the same needs and not much to work with, it is good to remind ourselves of the fundamental essentials that […]

David denHartog teaches from Hebrews 12:1-13 about endurance.  How do we endure through difficult circumstances and during hard times?  Why does God allow adversity?  What does endurance look like and how can we practice it? Additional Scripture references:  Hebrew 11; Philippians 4:13; Colossians 1:22-23; Isaiah 40:28-31; Philippians 2:14-15  

He is Risen!!  He is risen indeed.  David denHartog teaches from Romans 8 and John 11 on this Easter Sunday.  There are three benefits that God gives to us. It is for these benefits that we rejoice! Additional Scripture references: Psalm 118:22-24; Romans 7:15-25

Dean Elliott teaches from Psalm 116.  There are ways that we can worship God in crisis. He invited those who listened to “pay their vows” publicly. We wanted to give you one such avenue to do so. You have an opportunity to “pay your vows” in the comment section below the Facebook post.  Click here […]

Dean Elliott teaches from Haggai 1-2.  How do you respond to divine disruption?  Are you flexible and willing to change?  What are you focused on?  Haggai also lived in a time when God disrupted their normal way of life.   God wanted their attention, and He had something different for them to do. Additional Scripture […]

Dean Elliott teaches from Haggai 1:1-15 and correlates it to today’s times.  Haggai has two messages for us – one to the leadership, both political and spiritual, and one to everybody.  Dean also shares from his experiences in Israel and his return home. Additional Scripture references: Proverbs 16:9, 21:5, 14:12, 16:25; Isaiah 2; I Thessalonians 1:6-7; Haggai […]

David denHartog teaches from 2 Peter 3:1-13.  There are two extreme responses we could take as we look at world events and think about the Day of the Lord approaching.  But, what should our response be to the return of Christ?  Pastor David gives us two major points and two principles for application from this […]

David denHartog teaches from Psalm 91, about how we can have calm in the midst of the fear surrounding the threat of this virus, or fear in any situation.  We know that God is in control and that we can trust in Him, and call on Him.  We remember that this is a great opportunity […]

Kevin Bentley teaches from Acts 3:1-10.  What does caring authentically look like?  In this passage, Peter and John saw the need, felt the need, and Jesus worked through them to meet the need.  Jesus is the hero in this story.  There is no other name under heaven by which we might be saved.  

David denHartog remembers the joy that farmers in Iowa had as they brought in the harvest each year.  Spiritually, too, we share in the joy of the harvest when someone comes to know Christ, or we know we have had a part in that process.  John 15:1-17 speaks about the joy and fruit and abiding […]

At Cleburne Bible Church, we are focusing on three things this year – service, community, and proclamation of the Gospel.  Our stories individually help others understand the Gospel.  Our story together as a church and as a group is also powerful in proclaiming the Gospel – that Jesus has paid for our sins and risen […]

Dean Elliott continues the “Reviving Evangelism” series by helping us to understand how our story is important to sharing the Gospel.  When you share what Jesus Christ has done in your life, you expressing confidence that the Scriptures are correct and also how Jesus is personally involved in your life.  It makes it a lot […]

David denHartog teaches from John 4:1-26, the account of the Woman at the Well.  Many of us have been taught to memorize a presentation when sharing the Gospel with others, but its not where most of us are in the ability to share our faith.  Its not how we are most comfortable sharing.  The model […]

David denHartog begins the “Reviving Evangelism” series, teaching from Acts 8:26-40.  We have heroes of our spiritual journeys, heroes in eveglism, Biblical heroes of evangelism, but the real hero of all the stories is the Holy Spirit.  He is working behind the scenes and moving in hearts.  David helps us understand who we are trying to […]

Tom Worthley teaches from Luke 15:11-32, the parable commonly known as The Prodigal Son. Tom helps understand the audience who is listening to Jesus’ parable.  He brings to life the characters of the parable, and wants us to see the compassion of the father to both of his sons.  You are invited to come home; you […]

David denHartog completes “The Language of Generosity” series on tithing, stewardship and giving generously.  Greed and fear are elements that work against generosity.  How do we counter these?  Seeing the blessings that come to those that give motivates you to give.  What are the blessings of generosity?  The Apostle Paul outlines them in II Corinthians […]

David denhartog continues “The Language of Generosity” series on financial stewardship.  The Bible has a lot to say about money.  Are you off the hook if you tithe?  What does Biblical stewardship look like?  Psychologically, how are we to see our money?  Practically, how are we to handle our money?

Dean Elliott begins “The Language of Generosity” series by asking us to consider what is the language that God understands.  We often use “yes, sir” and “yes, ma’am” when speaking to others out of respect.  God understands the language of the hand and the language of the tithe in a similar fashion.  What is the […]

On Christmas Eve, Dean Elliott helps us to take some time to be reminded about what Christmas is really all about.  What will you do when you can’t accept failure?  When failure is not an option?  Revelation 12:1-11 provides a different perspective of the Christmas story – as seen from heaven.  There are three things to […]

David denHartog continues the “What’s In the Box?” series with Matthew 13:51-53.  Jesus wants to make sure that his disciples understand all of the parables that he has just taught the about the kingdom of God.  Do you understand?  We need perspective on ministry and sharing the Gospel with others.

David denHartog continues the “What’s In the Box?” series from Matthew about the kingdom of God.  In Matthew 13: 44-50, we learn about the responsibilities of those that are part of kingdom of God.  How do we build and invest in the kingdom of God?  Is it worth the price?  Do we truly understand the […]

David denHartog teaches from Matthew 13:24-43, part of the “What’s in the Box?” series.  The people of Israel were longing for and expecting a Messiah.  However, the Jesus that came wasn’t what they were expecting and so they rejected him and the offer of a physical kingdom was withdrawn.  Matthew 13 describes the new form of […]

Dean Elliott begins our Christmas mini-series, “What’s in the Box?”  We have all seen a child open a present and be disappointed with the gift, or perhaps remember opening one ourselves where we were disappointed with the contents.  Matthew 13:1-23 seeks to answer the questions:  If Jesus is the King, where’s the kingdom and why aren’t […]

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