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Termites or Trouble?

David denhartog wraps up “Disagreements Without Division,” with part three focusing on how best to approach disagreements that are about the gray areas of how we are to live out the Christian life.  He teaches us five major principles of Scripture through which we must think as we make decisions about the little things in […]

Equations for Solution

David denHartog continues the series, “Disagreements Without Division,” by looking at three vignettes in the book of Acts.  There were disagreements in the growing church and we can see the solutions that maintained the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace.  We can use these equations for solution in our own lives and […]

Nip It in the Bud

David denHartog begins a series on Disagreements Without Division.  The reasons for disagreements are many… so how do we deal with them so they don’t lead to divisions: divorce, church splits, broken relationships, and more.  Beginning with James 1:19, Pastor David gives us four points we are to remember as we nip it in the […]