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Don’t quit!? That’s right! And, oh yeah, you can’t stop either…!

Dean Elliott teaches from Acts 6. We must never quit sharing the gospel and we must also never stop loving and serving others. But those who are called to preach and teach cannot be the ones to do everything much less do it all well. Church members are needed to help with serving in other areas aside […]

Until Everyone Sees Jesus

Dean Elliott teaches on Genesis 3. Christmas is truly about one thing, it always has been. In today’s passage we will see the first promise of Christmas that was made over 2000 years ago. Every year celebrating Christmas should be a reminder of this promise. Additional Scripture References: Acts 3:20; Isaiah 7:14; Revelation 16:15

Never Closer

Dean Elliott teaches from Acts 4. This will be the first trial of many, of the followers of Jesus. There are four observations  from this passage which includes: 1. Hostility roots towards the church, 2. Why the church does what it does, 3. Association with Christ Jesus, 4. CBC mission statement. Additional Scripture References: 2 […]

On Display

Dean Elliott teaches from Acts 3. God is spreading the Gospel message through the twelve disciples, to the early church. Everything is changing among believers because of the Holy Spirit now indwelling in them. But not all those who are witnessing the signs and wonders are being filled with the Holy Spirit immediately. We will see […]

One More Time…From the Top

Dean Elliott teaches from Acts 2. The disciples now have power to be witnesses, after the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them. The Holy Spirit is the power of the engine. Peter addresses Israel for what they’ve done to Jesus. However Jesus has accomplished what He came to do and now with the power of […]


Pastor Dean teaches from the remaining scripture in Acts 1. We are to wait for the Holy Spirit as commanded by Jesus in the previous passage. But what are we to do while we wait? In this passage we will see that we are not to passively wait for the lord but rather actively wait.

Loving One Another Sacrificially

Dean Elliott teaches from Ephesians 4 and 5. In order to be spiritually successful, have victory over sin, and be everything that God designed us to be, we must surrounded ourselves with other Christians. Although relationships can be challenging, they are well worth it. The challenges we may face in our relationships with one another, […]

Following the Bible Faithfully

Dean Elliott teaches from 2 Timothy 3:10-17. Are you identifying yourself as a people of “The Book”? Respect for the Scriptures has been on the decline and is only getting worse, since many see it as boring and irrelevant during this time period. The New Testament Scripture has promised life transformation through the Holy spirit […]


Dean Elliott teaches on Isaiah 41. Isaiah is one of the most beautiful books in Scripture due to it exalting God’s glory and wonder. There are three points introduced in this passage: fear, trade and trust. Often times we reach out to our idols when fearful. Instead, we must learn to exchange this habit by […]


Dean Elliott teaches from Luke 10.  As we face failure, we can choose to quit or choose to lie and hide our failures.  If one chooses not to quit, how should one proceed?  This passage talks about how we live in the new covenant and includes a summary of the law, found in the Old […]