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An Open Hand

David denHartog completes “The Language of Generosity” series on tithing, stewardship and giving generously.  Greed and fear are elements that work against generosity.  How do we counter these?  Seeing the blessings that come to those that give motivates you to give.  What are the blessings of generosity?  The Apostle Paul outlines them in II Corinthians […]

Baby’s First Words

Dean Elliott begins “The Language of Generosity” series by asking us to consider what is the language that God understands.  We often use “yes, sir” and “yes, ma’am” when speaking to others out of respect.  God understands the language of the hand and the language of the tithe in a similar fashion.  What is the […]

The Ultimate Test

Everything has been given to us by God.  We are called to demonstrate our love to others, and to God.  What is the ultimate test of your love for God?  The answer is given in 2 Corinthians 8:1-12.  David denHartog explains this passage and the ultimate test.

How is your Eternal IRA Portfolio?

David denHartog teaches from 2 Corinthians 9:5-11a on “grace-giving.”  Grace-giving is separate from tithe giving.  This passage outlines four characteristics of grace-giving.

Thursday’s Child

Nursery rhymes are intended to help children learn about our world in fun and memorable ways.  The book of Proverbs is intended to help us learn the basics of a wise person.  In this sermon, Dean Elliott explains Proverbs 3, focusing on verses 9 and 10.  Do you know what it means to tithe?

Two Portfolios

David denHartog teaches on Matthew 6:19-34 about sacrificial giving.  Sacrificial giving goes beyond the tithe, which is the standard of giving and was begun with Abraham.  Pastor Dave answers two questions: 1.  What is the motivation for sacrificial giving?  and 2. What hinders us from giving beyond the tithe?