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The Journey

Dean Elliott continues the Christmas story in the “Beyond Hallmark” series.  He pieces together the events found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:39-2:7 to explain the beginning of the journey to which God had called Mary and Joseph.  Every journey, every life, has drama and every story is used by God to tell His story.  But, […]

The Call

David denHartog begins the Christmas series, “Beyond Hallmark,” with a message titled “The Call.”  He tells the story of how Mary was called by God to be the mother of Jesus from Luke 1:26-38.  We are also called by God, to live a life set apart and to respond as Mary did. Scripture references: 1 […]

No Excuses

Dean Elliott teaches the second sermon in the Christmas series, “Born To You…A Savior,” from Luke 2.  Mary and Joseph had many opportunities to make excuses and not obey their political and religious governing authorities.  God used their submission and obedience to work His will.  Do you believe that God really knows what He’s doing? […]